Lockdown Pondering

We would like to thank you for all the support and love you have shown HP over the last few months, it has been very much appreciated and has helped us through some bleak days. As with the rest of the world we were left reeling as we were forced to close the doors to our wonderful customers as Covid 19 caught us all unawares. A lot of soul searching and cupboard clearing began as we tried to make sense of a new, and very different, landscape. We decided home delivery would be a fun way to keep the HP flame burning and set about printing our delivery bags. As part of this process we started to consider our online ordering system and the way this could be incorporated into the evolution that was underway. It is a work in progress but we hope you are pleased with the direction it is taking.

Perhaps our greatest revelation was that you seem to enjoy Mrs HP’s spicy cooking as much as we do. The popularity of our masala dosa was wonderful to behold and has inspired Mrs HP to share with you all the flavours she learnt from the original spice girls- grandmothers Padma and Lourdes and mum, Doris.

There can’t be too many restaurants combining the influences of that famous Lancashire coastal resort and the Malabar coast. Recent months have been a challenge but we’re excited to see what the future holds for the new Hanky Panky as we emerge from lockdown. We can’t wait to welcome you back to share our love of food, drink and fun with you.


‘Bikes, Books & Butterflies’ What’s been happening, since we last spoke?